Hull Fostering: Latest News and Updates

Foster Carer Lisa - Hull Fostering

Lisa Shares Why She Became a Foster Carer

Seven and a half years ago whilst Lisa was helping her foster carer friend to look after a brother and two sisters, she took the plunge and contacted Hull Fostering … More

Hull Fostering

Meet Caring and Attentive Derrick and Jayne

We are so proud Derrick and Jayne are part of our fostering family, the love, care and devotion they give to all the babies and children in their care is outstanding.

Hull Fostering

Celebrating Our Carers – Angie and Brian

In the 9 years Angie and Brian have been fostering, they have cared for four young people, opening their home long term to one young person and even changed their holiday plans to allow another child to come abroad with them and feel part of their family at short notice.

Hull Fostering Awards

Hull Fostering Nominated for National Award

Hull Fostering have been nominated for a national award under the 'Amazing Social Worker Team' category by the British Association of Social Workers.

thank you Hull Fostering

Appeal to Find Good Samaritans

Through the power of social media, we are hoping we can reach the lovely people who came to the rescue and saved one of our children last week.

Online Fostering Information Events

Online Fostering Information Events

If you have ever wondered what it is really like to be a foster carer in Hull, we would love to see you at our next online information event.

Becoming a foster carer or supported lodgings provider hull city council hull fostering

Becoming a Foster Carer or Supported Lodgings Provider

In this useful information booklet you will find information about: Who Can Foster The Different Types of Fostering Financial Information The Fostering Assessment and Approval Process What is Supported Lodgings Supported Lodgings Assessment and Approval Process Frequently Asked Questions

Hull Fostering Handbook

Foster Carer Handbook

This handbook was published in March 2023 and is a guide given to all Hull City Council foster carers and supported lodgings providers.

Additional Needs or Disability Fostering

As an Additional Needs and Disability Foster Carer you will be able to provide a child with the love, support and home they need to reach their full potential. If you are thinking of becoming a specialist foster carer, we don't expect you to have all the skills at the beginning, just the motivation to work with us, a big heart and commitment to the children in your care.

Fostering as a Professional Career

If you have ever considered fostering a child or young person, here is a whistle-stop-tour of what the process is like and what it could be like for you as a carer for Hull Fostering.

What is Supported Lodgings?

Most young people are not ready to move on to independent living at the age of 16. Our 'Supported Lodgings providers' offer a home and support for these young people aged 16-21 with the view to helping them make that big step towards independent living.

This year’s New Family Social LGBTQ+ Fostering and Adoption week of action is 6th - 12th March 2023 and will focus on how LGBTQ+ people can make a huge difference when they adopt or foster.

LGBTQ+ Adoption and Fostering Week

This year’s New Family Social LGBTQ+ Fostering and Adoption week of action is 6th - 12th March 2023 and will focus on how LGBTQ+ people can make a huge difference when they adopt or foster.

Hull Fostering What is Respite Care

What is Respite Care?

In this series of blog articles we explore the six different types of fostering available to suit your home, your family dynamics and life commitments. In this article we explain what fostering respite care is.

Who fosters in Hull?

Who Actually Foster in Hull?

Did you know 40% of foster carers still combine their fostering role with other employment? If you are wondering if you can foster whilst working, then we can share with you what professions and backgrounds the majority of our foster carers came from prior to fostering.

Hull Fostering are very happy to be working with Leisure and Family Support Service (LAFSS) who have kindly offered to host a stay and play session twice a week for our children, foster carers and parents to come, have fun and support one another.

Stay & Play Sessions for Children with Additional Needs and Disabilities

Hull Fostering are very happy to be working with Leisure and Family Support Service (LAFSS) who have kindly offered to host a stay and play session twice a week for our children, foster carers and parents to come, have fun and support one another. Term time only, every Monday 12.30 -2.30pm and Thursday 10am - 12noon, at Bellfield House, Middlesex Road, off Ings Road, Hull and free of charge.

thank you Hull Fostering

A Shining Example of Love and Compassion

Heather and Clive you are a shining example of how love and compassion can change a future. The difference they have made to over 200 children in 30 years is astounding. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank them for being the wonderful people they are.

Hull Fostering - Why Do Children Need Foster Homes?

Why Do Children Need Foster Families?

Every child's journey into foster care is unique and deeply personal and there are many reasons why families can not stay living together. A number of councils have contributed towards this short video explaining on brother and sisters experienc

Hull Fostering Top 10 Promise

Hull Fostering Top 10 Promise

Having this Top 10 Promise is one of the many ways Hull Fostering promise to keep our children in care and our carers at the heart of all we do.

thank you Hull Fostering

Thank You Janet and Clive

Janet and Clive are now in their 40th year of fostering children in Hull and can remember the name of all the 40 children and young people they have ever looked after.

Hull Fostering Childrens Social Services Ofsted Report 13th January 2023

Offering the Best Start in Life

Superstition surrounding Friday 13th means that many people regard today as unlucky, so learning Hull’s children’s services Ofsted report would be released today, Friday 13th January, it was not unreasonable to think this was a sign of bad news coming our way. However, we did not need to worry, thanks to the significant changes Hull’s children’s services have made in the last three years our latest Ofsted inspection found the service is no longer Inadequate.

Christmas 2022 Hull Mental Health Andys Man Club Cost of Living Crisis Fostering Help Advice Support Group Hull City Council

Looking After Yourself at Christmas

Although we have a lot to look forward to, Christmas this year is going to be tough for many of us.

We might be worried about money, missing people who … More

Michele Priest Interview Head of Hull City Council Hull Fostering and Adoption Look North BBC

Hull Fostering on BBC Look North 14th November

Head of Hull City Council's Hull Fostering, Michele Priest was interviewed by Peter Levy on BBC Look North this week. Prepare to feel warm and fuzzy after watching this.

An illustration of a double rainbow with clouds either end, in a blue sky

A sign of new beginnings and transformation

This week saw our very first afterschool club launch for our foster families.

An hour for the children and young people to play sports, games, have fun and make forever … More

children playing with rugby ball in park

Hull foster families’ weekly afterschool club

An afterschool club has been arranged exclusively for all our foster families to come together every Wednesday evening for an hour’s fun, entertainment, and exercise.

Laura Gawthorpe, Hull Fostering’s Recruitment … More

Mockingbird Launch – Celebrating Success

On Sunday evening 10 fostering families came together, along with Hull Fostering staff to celebrate the first six months of the Mockingbird Family Model in Hull.

Between 5.30 – 7pm … More

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