children playing with rugby ball in park
Children playing with a rugby ball in the park (Picture: Adobe Stock)

Hull foster families’ weekly afterschool club

An afterschool club has been arranged exclusively for all our foster families to come together every Wednesday evening for an hour’s fun, entertainment, and exercise.

Laura Gawthorpe, Hull Fostering’s Recruitment and Retainment Officer said: “It is nice to see so many our foster families coming together each week and joining in on some fun.

“We are proud to be working in collaboration with Hull FC, who have kindly offered to host these weekly sessions, using their coaches and instructors to offer a variety of sport activities, crafts and games for our foster children and young people, whilst also offering mindfulness, light exercise and activities for the adults too.

“Providing another opportunity for our foster families to meet on a weekly basis and to have some fun is just one of the many projects we are planning.”

One child said: “I love coming here. I was nervous at first because I’m not the best at sports and didn’t know anyone, but now I’ve got mates here and I get to try out all kinds of sports, like tag-rugby, football, cricket, all kinds of stuff.”

Hull Fostering are working hard to put more afterschool sessions on each week, right across the city, so even more of our foster families can attend. 

Denford Duri, Student Social Worker at the University of Hull, has been nominated for a top national award.
Hull Fair 2018