Hull City Council

Hull City Council makes climate change pledge

Hull City Council has identified climate change as a core challenge, setting ambitious targets to reverse its impact.

The local authority declared a climate emergency in March this year and … More

Hull City Council is embarking on a city-wide housing regeneration plan to build up to 1,000 new homes.

Hull housing growth plan given go-ahead

A £4 million investment in housing renewal from the Local Growth Fund has been approved by the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership.

Hull City Council confirmed the move in a decision … More

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Councillor Daren Hale Roadworks Hull City Council Hull weekly roadworks update Councillor Mark Ieronimo Hull: Yorkshire’s Maritime City Hull Culture and Leisure Ferens Art Gallery Councillor Anita Harrison Cllr Paul Drake Davis Cllr Mike Ross Councillor Marjorie Brabazon Fly-tipping Cllr Rob Pritchard