Residents that enjoy singing and love the planet are invited to get involved in a project that offers the opportunity to be a part of the Freedom Festival, in a brand-new performance piece.
‘Chanter Lands’ is a new musical project specially conceived for 2024’s Freedom Festival. It is inspired by international protests around climate change, which will bring many voices into one harmony.
Participants can join a procession of Freedom Chorus singers as they raise their voices in chants and slogans reflecting the mood of protest, which merge into an entirely new and original composition specially written for this year’s festival.
The piece will be repeated in various spaces throughout the Freedom Festival – each time responding to the specific site.
Musical Director, Ali Bullivent, will conduct, supported by drummer Godfrey Pambalipe. Capturing the essence and passion of marching and raising voices for the planet and all its inhabitants, the music builds a sense of excitement to audiences and singers alike.

Clare Drury, Arts Development Officer for Hull City Council, said:
“This is a time to make our voices heard – to sing in solidarity with the planet and each other. Please sign up by emailing your name with the subject line ‘Chanter Lands Yes’.”
Anyone interested in joining the choir or finding out more can do so by emailing Rehearsals begin this weekend. Find out more on the Hull Freedom Chorus Facebook page.