A girls’ football team have been hitting the back of the net thanks to over £2,000 worth of support from Hull City Council.
Council leader, Mike Ross, has granted £2,322 from the Leader’s Fund to Chanterlands Girls Football Club to purchase two safe sets of goals to enable them to enter a local girls league.
The goals will be used during both training sessions and matches and the Leader’s funding will cover the total cost.
Chanterlands Girls Football Club currently has almost 70 girls actively taking part twice a week, a number which continues to increase as the club’s exposure does likewise.
Cllr Ross said: “I am delighted to be able to support Chanterlands Girls Football Club.
“The club is actively promoting its facilities and welcoming players from across the city, not solely focussed on the immediate Chanterlands Avenue area.
“Girls’ football is becoming increasing popular and so I was more than happy to this new club grow.”

Adam Leeming of Chanterlands Girls Football Club added: “Initially, we had no goals, so I contacted Cllr Ross who was happy to provide us with the funding for four goals.
“You can’t play football without any goals, so this funding has made a big difference.
“The team has reaped the benefits already. Cllr Ross has paved the way to help 66 girls – and counting – to play football and we couldn’t be more grateful for that.
“The girls love them too; they have already complimented how good they are!”