A conference dedicated to children’s reading will take place in Hull next week. The James Reckitt Reading Conference has been launched in conjunction with the year’s celebrations, commemorating 100 years since Sir James Reckitt died, in March 1924.
The conference is aimed at a range of professionals involved in young people’s reading; including teachers and teaching assistants, literacy coordinators, school and public librarians, and those responsible for encouraging reading in a learning environment. It will take place on Monday (17 June) in the Big Top at Malarkey Park, in East Park.
The day will consist of a number of speakers as well as workshops, all with literacy professionals. Keynote speakers Jon Biddle and Jeffrey Boakye will open and close the day, with workshops taking place from WOWW Psychologies, Dyslexia Sparks, Applied Psychologies and Hull Schools Libraries Services discussing a range of topics.
Michelle Alford, Library Services Director for Hull Culture and Leisure, said: “Encouraging reading in children is incredibly important and something the Hull Libraries and the James Reckitt Library Trust continues to support to this day across the city.
“This inaugural conference is a fantastic opportunity for anyone working or interested in reading and learning with children to come along and hear from industry professionals as well as meeting with professional peers.”
Anyone interesting in attending the conference can find out more about the day and purchase tickets here.

The conference also kicks off a week of reading celebrations as the Big Malarkey returns to East Park.
Having started back in 2017, the ever-popular children’s literacy festival will host school’s workshops throughout the week, as well as the KS2 and KS3 James Reckitt Hull Children’s Book Award, before opening to the public for a weekend of family activities.
Find out more about the Big Malarkey here.