The Love Your Neighbourhood team continue to keep Hull's streets clean and safe.

Love Your Neighbourhood: Pickering area receives tidy-up treatment 

Pickering is the latest area to be supported by Hull City Council’s Love Your Neighbourhood project.       

Streets within the Pickering area of West Hull are now basking in the glow of a much-welcomed makeover, thanks to the council’s ambitious Love Your Neighbourhood initiative.         

As part of the citywide project, several streets within the area underwent a comprehensive tidy-up, between Monday 17 February and Friday 28 February, leaving the streets transformed and residents with an enhanced sense of pride in their community.           

The streets included were Bethune Avenue, Taunton Road, Anlaby Park Road South, Gower Road, and Burcott Garth.   

Following a detailed patch walk around the area before the tidy-up work began, it was identified that these streets would benefit from some additional support with weeds, and litter. 

Over the two-week period, the team addressed these issues, as well as carrying out gully cleaning,  general grounds maintenance, and street cleaning works.  

Additional litter-picking was conducted on the cycle tracks between Anlaby Road South and Christopher Pickering Park, as well as behind the shops on Bethune Avenue. The team also addressed issues of dog fouling by engaging with residents on Bethune Avenue and Gower Road.  

The team trimmed the grass verges on Gower Road.

Councillor Charles Quinn, portfolio holder for environment, said: “It’s been great to see such a difference being made in the Pickering area over the past few weeks, and I am glad that the team have been able to address the issues highlighted during the patch walk.     

“These tidy-up efforts show that each areas needs are different, and by engaging with local people the Love Your Neighbourhood team make sure they make improvements that address local priorities. Residents have told us how delighted they are with the work carried out.”    

Taunton Road is now tidy and free of litter.

The council are also encouraging residents across the city to take pride in their communities by helping with litter picking, and the removal of graffiti.         

To support residents, the Love Your Street team can loan: adult and child sized litter pickers; hi-vis vests; graffiti removal kits; litter collection sacks; and gloves.   

 Any waste collected by residents, which cannot go in household bins, can be collected by the team.           

To hire equipment and to book litter collections, visit Get involved | Love your street | Hull 

Cllr Quinn, added: “As well as caring for the environment, this project is about getting residents involved and bringing communities together while their streets are given a real makeover.        

“By getting involved residents can help make a visible difference, connect with neighbours, and take charge of the place they live.”           

Love Your Neighbourhood is a citywide tidy-up programme designed to tackle small areas one at a time.           

The team tidy each area over a two-week period, after which residents should see a noticeable difference in the look and feel of their neighbourhood.    

For further information, visit Love your neighbourhood | Love your street | Hull. 

Alternatively, email 

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