Srebrenica Memorial Day as marked in Hull in 2023
Srebrenica Memorial Day as marked in Hull at the Guildhall in 2023

Hull to remember Srebrenica victims

Srebrenica Memorial Day will once again be marked in Hull, as an annual event will take place at the Guildhall.

Members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina community will gather to remember the thousands of people killed in the genocide between 1992 and 1995.

It will happen on Thursday 11 July, which is the anniversary of the atrocities at Srebrenica.

On that day in 1995, 8,000 Bosnian Muslim people were murdered on the basis of their ethnicity and religion.

The conflict led to millions of people being displaced, and around 10,000 came to the UK.

The commemoration event will start at 10am in the Guildhall, where speeches will be made, before prayers are said at the Peace Garden in Hanover Square.

The Srebrenica flag will be raised in the Garden.

The Leader of Hull City Council, Councillor Mike Ross, said: “It is now nearly 30 years since the horrors of Srebrenica, but the hurt remains strong for those people who lost friends and family members.

“We will gather to remember them, and the tens of thousands of other people who died during the wider conflict.

“We are proud that Hull is a City of Sanctuary, with a long history of providing a warm welcome for those who’ve been displaced from their own country.

“Events such as this can help us go some way towards creating a strong and more cohesive society in our country.”

To register an interest in attending, please email

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