People who want to join in with this week’s VE Day 75 celebrations are being advised to pay tribute from the safety of our own homes.
Hull City Council is supporting the advice being given by national organisers to mark 75 years since the end of the Second World War in Europe, which takes place on Friday 8 May.
Activities will take place allowing the public to join in from their homes.
11am: Two-minute silence
Commemorations begin with a national moment of reflection and remembrance not only in recognition of the service and sacrifice of the Second World War generation, but also to reflect on the devastating impact Covid-19 has had on so many lives across the world.
11.15am: VE Day livestream
Following the silence, the Royal British Legion is hosting a livestream on its website, where stories and memories wil be shared by those who served and sacrificed during the Second World War.
3pm: Toast the heroes of the Second World War
From the comfort of their homes, people are invited to join the nation in standing and raise a glass to those who sacrificed for the country.
9pm: We’ll Meet Again sing-along on BBC One
A UK-wide rendition of Dame Vera Lynn’s famous song will be screened on BBC One as part of their VE Day activity. Find the lyrics here.
Councillor Stephen Brady, Leader of Hull City Council, said: “We are in unusual circumstances as the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic currently prevent us from gathering, but it doesn’t stop us from acknowledging and celebrating, from the comfort of our own home, those who gave so much to ensure we all enjoy and share the freedom we have today.
“We hope the postponed commemorations can take place at a later date.”
As a mark of respect, the Lord Mayor, Councillor Steve Wilson will lay a wreath at Hull’s Cenotaph. Members of the public are asked not to gather at the monument and to adhere to social distancing guidelines and the ban on public gatherings.

People celebrating VE Day 75 are urged not to visit the Hull Cenotaph.
The Lord Mayor will then drive through some neighbourhoods that are celebrating VE day while isolating in the safety of their own homes.
Cllr Wilson said: “Whilst we recognise the importance of VE day to the world, at this time we also reflect and mourn the loss of so many members of our community and our country.
“These brief pre-agreed visits will provide the opportunity to connect with communities at time when we must be physically apart.”
To create your own VE Day British bunting by decorating homes and gardens, visit
It is hoped that the postponed VE day events will take place during VJ commemorations in August.