
Cllr Mark Collinson is Lord Mayor for 2024/25

Lord Mayor to host charity music quiz

The Lord Mayor of Hull and Admiral of the Humber is to host a charity music quiz.

The always popular event will be held in the magnificent Banqueting Hall at … More

two people stand with two large cut outs if cartoon rats

Council backs rat trail

Hull City Council has announced it is supporting a major cultural trail to be held in 2025, as details of a commitment of funds to Puffins Galore Ltd have been … More

The Lord Mayor, Cllr Mark Collinson, meets David Robinson, Director of the Executive Mansion in Raleigh, North Carolina

Lord Mayor welcomes twin city representative

The Lord Mayor has welcomed an official representative from one of Hull’s twin cities to the Guildhall.

Councillor Mark Collinson hosted David Robinson, who represented the US city of Raleigh.… More