Hull City Council Launches £1m Love Your Neighbourhood Project

Last week, Hull City Council launched the £1m Love Your Neighbourhood tidy-up project. The programme aims to make streets cleaner and greener and create up to 30 permanent jobs.

At the project’s launch clean-up, Councillor Mike Ross spoke about the Love Your Neighbourhood programme:

“We’re here today, we’re seeing the Love Your Neighbourhood team in action. They’re hitting an area, they are getting it looking cleaner and greener for the residents that live here.”

“This is our commitment to the city, we want to see a cleaner, greener city.”

“Residents of Hull have said that one of their top priorities is how the area looks and feels. This is about investing in local communities to bring them up to scratch, areas that people can feel proud about living in.”

“This will be a case of getting into those areas that need to be given the support they need. So, we really see that investment in terms of tackling issues around the litter, tackling issues around the grass verges.”

“They’ll be tree works, they’ll be all sorts of works improvements to the roads and really helping give that area an uplift to make it look smart again and give area that residents will feel  some pride about living in again.”

“We are going to do all we can  to help get this city looking clean and green. Really doing everything that we can to do that, which means not a spring clean but other improvement works as well. Fixing broken streetlights, potholes, and all sorts of other work as well – hitting an area once to give it that  lift that it needs for the long term.”

Jobs will be available soon via the Hull City Council Employment Hub.