Brunswick Arcade, nestled on Beverley Road, is being revitalised thanks to a multi-million pound regeneration scheme.
Restoration work to the arcade, at 52a-54 Beverley Road, began earlier this year as part of the Beverley Road Townscape Heritage Scheme, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Hull City Council.
The Brunswick Arcade restoration is a major part of the project which will deliver significant regeneration of this area of the city.
Brunswick Arcade – a terrace of 15 brick properties each four storeys high – was built around 1890, during a period of rapid growth for the city. It was created following the arrival of the city’s tramway in 1875, which made commuting a possibility.
This resulted in an increased demand for shops to service the rapidly-developing streets off Beverley Road.

Brunswick Arcade, Beverley Road.
The building will be sympathetically restored to reflect the grand scale of the original design.
The shop fronts of Brunswick Arcade were taller and more elaborate than typical buildings of the era yet still traditional in style.
The new façade and shop front will replicate the original, using traditional materials such as timber and natural stone.
During the works, the area between Norfolk Street and Trafalgar Street in Beverley Road has been reduced to two lanes, meaning all vehicles will share the carriageway.
Councillor Dean Kirk, Hull City Council’s portfolio holder for transportation, roads, highways and flood prevention, says: “We’re proud to be restoring Brunswick Arcade to its former glory. The renovation enhances public safety by removing a derelict building; and is also an important heritage project that will have a big impact on the appearance of this part of Beverley Road.
“Brunswick Arcade is a key feature of Beverley Road’s skyline. The work will maintain public safety and importantly secure the future of this historic building.”