Hull City Council is set to improve the frontages of more than 300 privately owned homes in the Rosmead Street area of east Hull.
The work will be carried out at predominantly older homes as part of the council’s initiative to improve its inner city neighbourhoods, and will include new boundary walls and railings, guttering and new communal paths. There will be no charge to the homeowner and the council aims to have 90 per cent of residents sign up for the upgrades.
Rosmead Street and surrounding terraces is the final area designated for these improvements. Hundreds of older homes in west Hull and off Beverly Road have already benefitted. These upgrades have made a significant contribution to transforming the street scene and overall look of the neighbourhood.
Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness, Councillor John Black said: “This type of intervention is very necessary. When we looked closely at empty properties in the city, we found that 80 per cent were in the private sector rather than our own council housing stock. Thanks to this investment, we are now seeing more properties being brought back into use.”