Hull residents are being urged to use all three of the city’s household waste and recycling centres this bank holiday weekend.
FCC Environment, the waste management company that operate the Sutton Fields, Wiltshire Road and Burma Drive centres on behalf of Hull City Council, has issued advice on how to get the most out of your visit.
Sort before you visit
Sorting your items at home before you visit can help you get in and out of your recycling centre quickly and efficiently.
Avoid slips, trips and falls: be aware of your footwear
In summer’s warmer weather, you may be sporting flip-flops or sandals – but take care and make sure you are in more suitable footwear when visiting a site. Sensible shoes are a must.

Children and pets should stay in your vehicle due to trucks, cars and vans moving around.
Follow the signs
On arrival, a member of staff will greet and guide you to the appropriate disposal bays, which are clearly laid out and signed to help you find them. Reverse parking will get you closer for easy access.
Keep children and pets in vehicles
With cars, vans and trucks reversing and bulky items being moved around, it is important that children and pets stay in your vehicle for their own safety. Children are often keen to be green and help out at the sites – but sorting through your materials at home can help to keep them engaged with recycling, as well as safe.
Watch FFC Environment area manager David Sweeny discussing his top tips to get the most out of recycling centres:
Councillor Anita Harrison, portfolio holder for Streetscene, said: “Over the bank holiday weekend, residents tend to clear out their homes and gardens. This can often lead to increased traffic at the recycling centres, especially Sutton Fields. So we are urging residents to make use of our other two sites located at Wiltshire Road and Burma Drive.
“These sites are usually a lot less busy, which means a shorter waiting time to actually get on site and get rid of any excess waste and recycling.”
Sutton Fields, Wiltshire Road and Burma Drive will be open from 10am to 5pm on bank holiday Monday.
Residents should display the pass provided to all households by the council in the annual recycling and waste information pack. The pass, which looks like a green credit card, should be displayed in their car window or on the dashboard when visiting the centres.
If a pass has not been received or has been lost, residents can use the centres by showing proof of address in Hull in the form of a utility bill or driving licence.