A sign outside The Guildhall in Hull
The Guildhall in Alfred Gelder Street, Hull.

Full Council approves final draft Order for Hull and East Yorkshire Devolution

At the Full Council meeting of Hull City Council yesterday, approval was given to present before Parliament the final draft Order for the creation of Hull and East Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority.

East Riding of Yorkshire’s Full Council met on Thursday 16th May, when approval was also granted.

In order to legally establish the Combined Authority, secondary legislation is required which will set out the powers, duties, and governance arrangements that will come into existence when the Combined Authority is created.

The Order reflects the Devolution proposal negotiated for the area and will now be considered by the Secretary of State after the General Election.

Drypool Bridge in Clarence Street, Hull.
Artist Leebo in front of Rap is the Word DRA Tracks 1989.