The Love Your Neighbourhood team continue to keep Hull's streets clean and safe.

Love Your Neighbourhood: Marfleet area receives tidy-up treatment 

Marfleet is the latest area to be supported by Hull City Council’s Love Your Neighbourhood project.        

Streets within the Marfleet area of East Hull are now basking in the glow of a much-welcomed makeover, thanks to the council’s ambitious Love Your Neighbourhood initiative.          

As part of the citywide project, several streets within the area underwent a comprehensive tidy-up, between Monday 3 March and Friday 14 March, leaving the streets transformed and residents with an enhanced sense of pride in their community.            

The streets included were Marfleet Avenue (Burma Drive to Hedon Road), Ceylon Street, Delhi Street, Egypt Street, and Frodsham Street.  The passageways from Egypt Street to Hedon Road were also cleared by the Project Clean Streets team. 

Following a detailed patch walk around the area before the tidy-up work began, it was identified that these streets would benefit from some additional support with weeds, fly-tipping, and litter.  

Over the two-week period, the team addressed these issues, as well as carrying out gully cleaning,  general grounds maintenance, and street cleaning works.   

Following a presentation on waste collection at Marfleet Primary Academy, additional litter-picking was also conducted on Marfleet Park, with help from several of the schoolchildren and their parents: Marfleet Park makeover: Schoolchildren join Hull City Council for community litter-pick  – Hull CC News 

The children, and their parents, in Marfleet park.

Fostering a real sense of community spirit, Jonathan Weigall – resident of Delhi Street – kindly served tea and coffee to the Love Your Neighbourhood team whilst they were on-site. 

Praising the teams work, Jonathan said: “Once [the team] were here we couldn’t believe how much they were doing, and how much of the area they were cleaning. They cleaned every single part of the area – it was real attention to detail. 

“So, we thought we would make them some tea and coffee and make sure they were all nice and warm. We also put some biscuits out to make sure they were looked after as best as possible. 

“It is good to love thy neighbour and be a good person – it isn’t hard to stick the kettle on and get a few biscuits out for a few workers, is it? It’s nice to be nice.” 

Elizabeth Dillon, policy and partnership manager at Hull City Council, said: “I am delighted to see the positive impact the Love Your Neighbourhood project has had in the Marfleet area. The transformation we witnessed over the two weeks is a testament to what can be achieved when we work together. 

“We are especially grateful to the schoolchildren and their parents from Marfleet Primary Academy for their enthusiastic participation in the litter-pick at Marfleet Park. 

“It was also incredibly heart warming to see the community come together, as demonstrated by Jonathan Weigall’s thoughtful gesture of serving tea and coffee to our team. This kind of community spirit is exactly what we aim to foster throughout the project. 

“We remain committed to continuing these efforts and ensuring that every neighbourhood in Hull benefits from cleaner, safer, and more welcoming environments.” 

The council encourage residents across the city to take pride in their communities by helping with litter picking, and the removal of graffiti.          

To support residents, the Love Your Street team can loan: adult and child sized litter pickers; hi-vis vests; graffiti removal kits; litter collection sacks; and gloves.    

 Any waste collected by residents, which cannot go in household bins, can be collected by the team.            

To hire equipment and to book litter collections, visit Get involved | Love your street | Hull. 

 Elizabeth, added: “As well as caring for the environment, this project is about getting residents involved and bringing communities together while their streets are given a real makeover.         

“By getting involved residents can help make a visible difference, connect with neighbours, and take charge of the place they live.”            

Love Your Neighbourhood is a citywide tidy-up programme designed to tackle small areas one at a time.            

The team tidy each area over a two-week period, after which residents should see a noticeable difference in the look and feel of their neighbourhood.     

For further information, visit Love your neighbourhood | Love your street | Hull. 

Alternatively, email 

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