Two designs by young people have been chosen to form Hull City Council’s Christmas e-card for 2024.
Winning entries were selected after a competition in schools during last month.
A panel of judges selected 10 year old Oscar from Ainthorpe Primary as the winner in the primary school category, with 13 year old Lilah from Kelvin Hall winning in the secondary school category.
The digital Christmas card has been sent to all Hull City Council employees, as well as partners and stakeholders within the city and beyond.

The Leader of Hull City Council, Councillor Mike Ross, said: “We had so many great entries this year, particularly with secondary school pupils involved for the first time.
“We’d asked children for designs that celebrate how Christmas brings people together, with a Hull twist!
“We certainly saw that our young people in the city are full of creativity and imagination, and I’d like to thank everyone who submitted their entry.”
Runners-up were selected as well, with 9 year old Quinn from Thoresby Primary chosen in the primary category, and Lily, 13, from Kelvin Hall picked in the secondary category.
All four children received gift vouchers for their achievements, with the winning youngsters also invited to the Guildhall to meet the Lord Mayor, Councillor Mark Collinson, along with Councillor Ross and Hull City Council Chief Executive Matt Jukes.

(L-R, primary school winner Oscar, Hull City Council Leader Cllr Mike Ross, secondary school winner Lilah, Lord Mayor Cllr Mark Collinson, Hull City Council Chief Executive Matt Jukes)