People can find out more about Hull’s new A63 footbridge at drop-in events today and tomorrow.
Highways England and contractor Interserve will talk to members of the public about the construction work taking place.
The Highways England van will be at the Sewell on the Go Services on the A63 westbound today from 1pm to 4pm and at King Edward Square in Hull tomorrow from 10am to 2pm.

Parts of the footbridge that will span the A63.
Councillor Daren Hale, portfolio holder for economic investment and regeneration, said: “This is a great opportunity for Hull residents and business owners to come down and speak to the team about the plans for the A63 footbridge.
“This is a major piece of infrastructure for our city and will make a huge improvement to transport flow along the A63, as well as connecting the city centre to the waterfront.
“Whilst we will shortly see the installation of the bridge which is of the highest design standards and which my former colleague Martin Mancey and I fought long and hard for, there is still a lot of technical work to complete before it formally opens in the spring.”
The 60-metre, 150-tonne bridge has been assembled in 11 sections on the former Staples site.
It will improve safety and access, making it easier for pedestrians, cyclists and disabled people to cross the busy A63.
The Highways England project is being part-funded with a £4m contribution from the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership’s local growth fund programme, secured through its growth deals with Government and part of the Government’s commitment to the Northern Powerhouse.
Find more details here and follow the project on Twitter using the hashtag #a63hullpqbridge