The participants in Marfleet park.

Marfleet Park makeover: Schoolchildren join Hull City Council for community litter-pick 

Children from Marfleet Primary Academy, and their parents, recently joined Hull City Council on a community litter-pick at Marfleet Park.  

Organised by the councils Love Your Neighbourhood team, in coordination with the school, the community litter-pick was carried out in Marfleet Park on Tuesday 11 March. 

The team provided the children and their parents with litter-picking equipment such as gloves, bin bags, high-vis vests, and litter-pickers, to ensure the activity was carried out safely. 

This community effort resulted in the collection of four bags of rubbish, significantly improving the cleanliness and appearance of the park. 

“It’s been really fun – it’s great to help the environment”, said one of the children following the litter-pick. 

Talking about how litter negatively impacts our environment, they added: “Litter can hurt animals and destroy the environment, so I would definitely encourage other children to get involved [in litter-picking].” 

Another child who participated in the event said: “It’s important to pick-up litter because it helps save the world, protects animals, and stops pollution.” 

One of the parents added: “I have always thought it’s important for kids to understand about litter and how it’s affecting the planet, and our health.

“It’s good for the kids to take responsibility and understand that they need to put litter in the bin, rather than on the ground. [Litter-picking] also keeps them entertained rather than being stuck at home all day – plus they enjoy it and find it fun. It’s a win-win really.” 

Four bags of rubbish were collected.

The litter-picking event is part of the council’s ongoing efforts to encourage residents to look after the environment and promote a cleaner, greener city. By involving local schools and families, the council aims to foster an enhanced sense of care and respect for public spaces. 

Elizabeth Dillon, policy and partnership manager at Hull City Council, praised the participants for their dedication and community spirit. She said, “It is wonderful to see the children and their parents actively participating in keeping our city clean. Their efforts not only help maintain cleanliness but also instils a sense of responsibility and pride for keeping our city tidy. 

“I am so grateful for their hard work and commitment. Their collective efforts have made a positive impact on Marfleet Park and set a great example for others to follow.” 

Lisa Pinder, barriers to learning coordinator at Marfleet Primary Academy, reached out to the team to organise the litter-pick upon learning that the Love Your Neighbourhood project would be coming to the Marfleet area. 

Following the event, she said: “It was so nice to see our children and their families taking real pride in our local area and the children loved sharing their knowledge and passion for environmental issues and the impact they have on our community.  

“We are hoping to hold some more litter-picking events and would like to thank the Love your Neighbourhood team for their involvement in making our school and surrounding area litter free!” 

To help residents get involved in litter-picking activities, the Love Your Street team can loan: adult and child sized litter pickers; hi-vis vests; graffiti removal kits; litter collection sacks; and gloves.      

Any litter that cannot go in household bins will be collected by the team.        

To hire equipment and to book litter collections, visit Get involved | Love your street | Hull. 

For further information, visit Love your neighbourhood | Love your street | Hull. Alternatively, email   

Cllr Mark Collinson is Lord Mayor for 2024/25