1. The Lancashire Hotpots
The Welly Club
Saturday 16 March 6.30pm
Tickets from £14
Dubbed ‘the new Wurzels’ by Chris Evans, this comedy folk band have become the go-to act for those wanting a light-hearted distinctly northern view on life. They have entertained the nation with comedy songs about chippy teas, shop mobility scooters as well as how to smuggle your own sweets into the cinema. Their shows filled with raucous comedy songs, congas, puppets and pirates have made them cult favourites and famous for good time, sing-a-long fun. Get more information here.
2. Hessle Road Stamps Exhibition
Hull Minster

The Hull Minster.
Hull-born designer Sallyann Mason, now based in London, celebrates the women of Hessle Road on the 50th anniversary of the Triple Trawler Tragedy with this exhibition. Inspired by the story of the Headscarf Revolutionaries, which saw a group of women rock the establishment and save the future lives of thousands of men in their community and the rest of the world. Sallyann launched a project to see people in Hull buying postcards of the six stamp designs and sending them to people around the globe, who would then post a selfie of the stamp card to social media with the hashtag #hessleroadstamps. The cards reached as far as China, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, India and Syria. Get more information here.
3. Ten
Hull Truck Theatre
Saturday 16 March 7pm
Tickets from £6
Celebrating 10 years since Hull Truck Theatre moved to its new home in Ferensway, a collective of Hull writers explore what’s been happening locally and globally since 2009. Inspired by Hull City’s nail-biting promotion to the Premier League, 2016’s chilling Killer Clown craze and the eye-opening worldwide #MeToo Movement that shook 2017; 10 plays, each 10 minutes long, have been created to represent each year the building has been open. They are performed by a large cast of Hull Truck’s Young Company aged 14 to 18. Get more information here.
4. An Evening of Eric and Ern
Hull New Theatre
Saturday 16 March
Tickets from £21.50

The Hull New Theatre.
This brilliant homage crammed full of renditions of the most famous comedy sketches from one of the UK’s favourite comedy duos, including Grieg’s Piano Concerto, Mr Memory and “Arsenal!”, plus songs, sketches and a musical guest. This wonderful show evokes memories of a time when the whole family would huddle around the television every Sunday evening. Get more information here.
5. Wedding Show
The Village hotel
Sunday 17 March 11am-3pm
We all love a wedding. Whether you are about to tie the knot, or just love getting caught up in the ceremony of someone else’s special day, head to The Village hotel on the outskirts of the city for an open wedding show which will feature tips ahead of that special day. Entry includes a glass of bubbly on arrival, canapes throughout, stalls for wedding essentials, a wedding dress fashion show and wedding goody bag for the bride or groom – plus a free case of champagne if you book your wedding on the day. Get more information here.