a woman against a green background holds up her hand, with fingers open. Black text next to her reads: stop smoking for Stoptober and you're five times more likely to quit for good.

Stoptober inspiration from former smoker who started aged just 10

Looking for some inspiration to carry on with Stoptober? A Hull resident who has worked with the city’s support service, SmokeFree Hull, has managed to quit after starting aged just ten. With the help of a vape, they’re now nicotine-free, and have no plans of going back.

The ex-smoker said that since stopping their health has improved and they’re saving £60 a week.

They said: “I started smoking when I was ten; everyone around me was smoking, so it was the natural thing to do.

“I have a heart condition, COPD, emphysema, and asthma and my doctor kept asking me to stop, but it was never the right time for me. Then I got a text from Hull City Council about their Swap To Stop campaign. I was struggling to breathe and bringing up black phlegm on my chest at the time, so once I had this text, I thought why not give it a go.

“I feel so much better, my breathing has improved, and I can tell the difference in my chest. I can last longer in the day now, before having to use my asthma pump too.

“I have also noticed a difference in my finances as I only spend £20 a week for the extra vape oils, whereas I was spending £80 a week on cigarettes before. I’m housebound, and so I play on a PlayStation a lot to keep me busy, so I’m going to use the money for a new TV. I’ve been getting on well with the vape, I love it! I like the taste of it, and it’s helped me get off tobacco.

“My lungs are getting better, as I don’t cough up no-where near as much phlegm as I used to. It’s satisfying to see the difference, I know I will never fully recover as I have COPD, but it has helped me cope better with that as well.

“Giving up smoking was the best thing I could have done. I would highly recommend the service for help. Chelsea, my Stop Smoking Advisor, has been lovely, and rings me up to check on my progress, and it’s nice to have the encouragement. I’ve never had this in my life before growing up, I was never congratulated on anything, so it’s also been a great boost for my confidence too. It’s been positive for my self-belief”.

“Without getting the text from the council, I know I would have carried on smoking. It was the push I needed, and it came through at the right time for me. I think everyone should give it a go, you have nothing to lose, and I’m very glad I did”.

Cllr Linda Chambers, Portfolio Holder for Public Health at Hull City Council, added: “It’s fantastic when someone finds the willpower and resilience to stop smoking after doing it all their life.

“It’s clear that finding the right support was absolutely key for this person and made all the difference in them finally being able to kick the habit and see the improvements for themselves.

“Stoptober is a great time to give quitting a try – if you can make it through the month, you’re five times more likely to quit for good. The important thing to know is that you’re never doing it alone; there’s so much help from SmokeFree Hull, wether you want quit aids like vapes, personal support, or both!”

If you’d like free support to quit, contact SmokeFree Hull on 01482 977617 or visit: www.changegrowlive.org/hull

A new braille sign for Bay 37 at Hull Paragon Interchange.