Ever thought about becoming a City of Culture Volunteer? It’s not too late – but you have to act fast.
It may have been two years since Hull basked in the national spotlight as UK City of Culture 2017, but the blue-coated army of volunteers – one of the city’s most recognisable sights over those 12 months – are just as visible as ever.
From giant domino displays to planting thousands of tulips, more than 2,000 volunteers continued to enable fantastic cultural projects in the city in 2018.
And Absolutely Cultured, the company behind Hull’s year as UK City of Culture 2017, is now looking to expand volunteer numbers – but applications close on Friday 15 February.

The City of Culture Volunteers during Pride in Hull.
Shaun Crummey, head of volunteering at Absolutely Cultured, said: “There is no set story for becoming a volunteer – everyone’s journey is different. You may be looking to meet new people, develop skills for your CV, or just want to try something different as part of your new year’s resolutions.
“What we can guarantee is that you get to be part of something really incredible, something unique to Hull.”
Potential volunteers will be invited to attend a selection centre, followed by a three-part training day to learn more about the city and its culture – and to try on the unmistakable blue uniform.
The chosen few will then be given access to an innovative Masterclass programme, made up of optional training courses ranging from creative writing and dance to learning about Hull’s history archives and heritage.
Shaun said: “The continuation of the Volunteering Programme into 2019 shows the tremendous appetite for volunteering in the city and wider region. We’re incredibly proud, not only of what the volunteers have achieved, but what the future holds.”

More than 2,000 volunteers enabled fantastic cultural projects in the city in 2018 – from giant domino displays to planting thousands of tulips.
Katy Fuller, creative director and chief executive of Absolutely Cultured, said: “The continuation of the volunteering programme is one of the key pillars of legacy that we have taken forward as Absolutely Cultured.
“Being part of such a distinctive and recognisable team, sharing values and empowering communities, I couldn’t encourage people more to take the first step and join up as a volunteer.”
Sign up here to become a City of Culture Volunteer.
The Volunteering Programme is supported by funding from Spirt of 2012, Nesta and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).