Reuse shop
The reuse shop in Hull

Free collections for large domestic appliances

Residents wishing to donate to Hull’s new re-use shop can now benefit from free collections.

The Re-use Electricals shop opened in July this year, aimed at boosting the reuse of unwanted but good quality large domestic appliances.

And now the service is stepping up its offer, and residents are being encouraged to get in touch if they have suitable items that can be collected for resale. The shop is targeting donations of fridges, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers, tumble driers, electric ovens and cookers and microwaves.

Councillor Anita Harrison, portfolio holder for Streetscene at Hull City Council, said: “We want to encourage residents to donate their unwanted working white goods for reuse which can now be collected at the doorstep, provided it passes the PAT test when the staff arrive for collection.

“We hope that this project will reduce the amount of unnecessary waste, give the residents the chance to pick up quality white goods at a competitive price, increase reuse and have a positive impact on the environment.”

Every year, thousands of working fridges, freezers, washing machines and other large domestic appliances are taken to household waste and recycling centres across Hull and East Riding areas.

Many of these items are suitable for reuse and as a result, Hull City Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Dove House Hospice and FCC Environment teamed up to launch the reuse project which specifically targets these items before selling them to raise money for Dove House Hospice.

Unwanted large domestic appliances can also be donated at one of the thirteen Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) located in the area.

People can email the store manager Bryne Stothard on or call 01482 710 284 to arrange collection of the reusable goods.

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A road sign