Young Voices Influencing Care (YVIC) have been hard at work ahead of Anti-Bullying Week, devising and creating resources, including a song called ‘Shine Bright’ which highlights individuality and uniqueness.
With support from the council’s music service, Shine Bright was written and performed by the young people to encourage everyone to respect each other’s differences and call out bullying.
The new music contributes to anti-bullying messages being promoted across the city and the young people involved are particularly enthusiastic to promote a positive culture across the council’s children and family services, as well as within education.
Through discussions, the young people have highlighted current challenges from their own experiences and they are excited to play a role in reshaping the response to bullying.
The activities during Anti-Bullying Week, which runs from Monday 11 to Friday 15 November and is being shaped under a national theme of Choose Respect, are also designed to highlight and celebrate our differences.
Rather than be used as a wedge to divide, uniqueness – individually and culturally – can bring people together and make a stronger society.

Launched during Anti-Bullying Week, callers to Hull City Council’s customer service number will be greeted the new melody, with the instrumental of Shine Bright being rolled out throughout the 300300 options over the coming weeks.
Cllr Linda Tock, portfolio holder for children and young people at the council, said: “This is a fantastic initiative to highlight individuality and uniqueness of our children and young people.
“It was great for them to be able to work with the council’s music service and create such an inspiring song that everyone who calls 300300 will hear.
“It demonstrates the commitment of the council to demonstrate good corporate parenting responsibilities towards children in our care.”
YVIC will also be asking council staff to show their support for the messages from Anti-Bullying Week by participating in Odd Socks Day on Tuesday 12 November.