Jameson Street.

Public to have its say on Jameson Street Conservation Area

Residents, business owners and landlords can have their say on the proposed changes to the Jameson Street Conservation Area as part of the public consultation starting next week.

In September, Hull City Council’s Cabinet approved hosting the consultation to garner public and stakeholder opinion on the plans.

These are:

  • Adoption of a new Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan.
  • Proposed extensions to the designated boundary of the Conservation Area.
  • A name change of the Conservation Area to the ‘Paragon Conservation Area’.
  • Additions to the Hull Local Heritage list.

If proposals are approved, the existing Jameson Street Conservation Area would be extended along Jameson Street, King Edward Street and Prospect Street, as well as adjoining areas.

The consultation will take place over a six-week period from Monday 11 December and will be in the form of a direct letter to affected property owners, a leaflet drop to those in the existing and proposed extended conservation area.

There will also be an online survey and a public meeting.

The process is being led by the council’s planning team and the survey forms part of the council’s project to update and adopt character appraisals and management plans for all 26 of its conservation areas.

Cllr Paul Drake-Davis, the council’s portfolio holder for regeneration, said: “Jameson Street is characterised by an eclectic mix of buildings and it is only right that they are preserved in such a way.

“The council is keen to ensure that all of its conservation areas are supported as they should and it’s important that the public and stakeholders are also on board with our plans.

“I look forward to seeing the results of the consultation early next year.”

The consultation will begin on Monday 11 December and ends on Monday 22 January.

You can take part in the online survey here or can attend the public meeting on Monday 8 January in the Guildhall on Lowgate from 10-11:30am and 12-4pm.

Alternatively, you can contact Stephen Walker, Principal Conservation Officer, Hull City Council, Guildhall, Lowgate, HU1 2AA or dev.control@hullcc.gov.uk.

Christmas lights strung across street between buildings and shops