A new bike hire hub, ready to loan out more than 60 refurbished bikes to University of Hull students, has opened on campus.
The new scheme, run in collaboration between local charity R-evolution and the University of Hull, is designed to encourage students to use pedal power while commuting to the Cottingham Road campus, providing both physical and mental health benefits during their stay at university. It will also generate a lesser reliance on cars as users will be able to make use of the city’s upgraded cycle lane network.
Phoebe Bastiani, President of the Hull University Students’ Union, said: “The Hull University Students’ Union worked with R-evolution back in 2019, providing low-cost bikes for students.
“We are so pleased to see that this partnership with the University has developed further. The new bike hire hub will enable students to travel to and from campus in a sustainable way, as well as explore Hull and see everything this wonderful city has to offer.”

The new bike hub at the University of Hull.
The eye-catching fleet has been branded in bright purple by Hull-based vehicle livery and decal firm Brandfixx, ensuring they are easy to spot during the dark winter nights.
John Marshall, CEO of Cottingham-based charity R-evolution, said: “Brandfixx has given our newly-refurbished fleet of University of Hull loan bikes a fresh lease of life in addition to making them eye catching, easily recognisable and brighter at night.
“The branded decals look very professional and not only look great, but also provide an important safety feature for the upcoming winter months. The team worked tirelessly over a day and a half to wrap over 60 bikes and we can’t thank them enough for their hard work to bring the wonderful final touches to the Bike Hub.”