Hull City Council is urging people to remain vigilant and act responsibly this weekend ahead of more businesses reopening.
From Saturday 4 July, pubs, bars and restaurants will be able to reopen providing they are following public health advice and have been able to introduce any necessary safety measures.
Councillor Stephen Brady, leader of Hull City Council, said: “With more businesses planning to reopen this weekend, it’s more important than ever that we remain vigilant to this virus and listen to and respect the public health and social distancing guidance that is in place in order to keep residents, businesses, staff and our city safe.
“Many businesses have worked tremendously hard to create environments designed to keep staff and customers as safe as possible. I urge everyone planning on visiting bars, restaurants, shops and public spaces to plan ahead, listen to staff and respect the important measures that have been put in place.”

Social distancing guidance is on display throughout the city.
The council has contacted many businesses from the hospitality sector to provide guidance and support ahead of this weekend.
As part of plans to ensure people are behaving responsibly and adhering to social distancing, street marshalls will be in the city centre encouraging people to act responsibly and follow social distancing rules.
The marshalls will be separated throughout the city centre and will be in close communication with each other, businesses and police, to manage footfall and ensure that visitors are behaving responsibly.
Chief superintendent Darren Downs, from Humberside Police, said: “We will have additional officers out in the city centre to help keep everyone safe and make sure that as the restrictions are eased and more people head out to socialise together it’s an enjoyable occasion for all.
“The vast majority of people in this area have been really good at adhering to the guidelines that have been put in place to limit the spread of Covid-19 and I believe that people will continue to behave responsibly as the restrictions are eased.
“If any issues do arise, my teams and I have plans in place to deal with it to ensure no one is put at risk and everyone can enjoy the opportunity to socialise safely.”
Anyone with Coronavirus symptoms – a high temperature, continuous cough or loss or change in sense of taste or smell – is urged to immediately isolate and gets tested.
Hull’s Coronavirus Outbreak Prevention and Management Plan has now been published, with Director of Public Health Julia Weldon saying its success is dependent on all residents following advice and isolating if asked.