Hull City Council urges residents to keep their wheelie bins safe around Bonfire Night.
The council’s waste and recycling team is encouraging residents and businesses to store all wheelie bins away, to avoid them from becoming a target of theft and arson on November fifth.
To highlight the dangers, the council will be placing tags on bins that are at risk, providing information on how to protect bins, as well as contact details for those with concerns about arson and antisocial behaviour.

Councillor Julia Conner, Portfolio holder for Environment, said: “We want everyone to enjoy the Bonfire Night celebrations, but we also want to ensure that everyone stays safe because, unfortunately, there is an increased risk of theft and arson attacks on wheelie bins around this time.
“Simple steps, such as making sure your bin is not left out for longer than necessary, can help to protect your bins and prevent unnecessary worry.”
To help prevent theft and arson attacks, residents should:
- Store bins safely within the boundary of their properties, especially at night
- Avoid blocking doorways and placing bins under windows
- Bins should be stored securely behind locked gates, where possible
- Put bins out at 7am on collection days and return them as soon as possible
- Avoid overfilling bins and leaving loose bagged rubbish around them.
Old items such as beds, mattresses, wardrobes, tables and chairs should not be left at the front of properties, as they can also present a potential fire risk. To arrange a Bulky item collection, visit Bulky Collections | Hull City Council or call 01482 300300.
For further information on how to stay safe, see Humberside Fire and Rescue’s Bonfire Night safety advice.