Hull City Council is supporting businesses in the hospitality sector as they begin to reopen with temporary measures to create access to more outdoor space.
As part of Government plans to support hospitality businesses, licensing process for outdoor seating has been simplified and planning procedure has been relaxed.
The creation of access to more outdoor space will allow many businesses in the city to operate while meeting Public Health guidance.
The Government is relaxing measures from Saturday 4 July that will see many businesses in the hospitality sector reopening, or operating under fewer restrictions.
Councillor Daren Hale, portfolio holder for economic investment and regeneration, said: “Throughout the pandemic, the council and partners have supported businesses every step of the way, ensuring they had access to grants, information and support at the beginning of lockdown, and now have the support and guidance they need as they begin to reopen.
“I know many people and businesses are looking forward to the relaxation of measures this weekend. We are delighted that businesses are beginning to get back on their feet and the local economy is moving, but our number one priority continues to be the health and safety of residents and the city. Therefore it’s vitally important that we continue to respect public health guidance and act responsibly.”

Businesses in areas like the Fruit Market are able to apply for permission that would allow them to access more outdoor space.
In areas such as Trinity Square, the Fruit Market and Silver Street, some businesses have applied for licenses to extend outdoor space which will be in effect from this weekend.
On Silver Street, the council is also introducing changes from Saturday that will see the street being a pedestrianised zone from 11am every day, with businesses being able to access the street for deliveries from 2am until 11am.
The changes also include the creation of a two-way cycle lane, as part of the council’s cycling strategy for the city.
The council has contacted many businesses from the hospitality sector to provide guidance and support ahead of this weekend.
As part of plans to ensure that people are behaving responsibly and adhering to social distancing, street marshalls will be in the city centre encouraging people to act responsibly and follow social distancing rules.
The marshalls will be separated throughout the city centre and will be in close communication with each other, businesses and police, to manage footfall and ensure that visitors are behaving responsibly.
Chief Superintendent Darren Downs, from Humberside Police, said: “We will have additional officers out in the city centre to help keep everyone safe and make sure that as the restrictions are eased and more people head out to socialise together it’s an enjoyable occasion for all.”
Anyone with Coronavirus symptoms – a high temperature, continuous cough or loss or change in sense of taste or smell – is urged to immediately isolate and gets tested.
Hull’s Coronavirus Outbreak Prevention and Management Plan has now been published, with Director of Public Health Julia Weldon saying its success is dependent on all residents following advice and isolating if asked.