A school desk with books, an apple and stationery.
Parents have today been informed of secondary allocation for September 2025.

More pupils allocated their first choice secondary school

The number of secondary school children allocated their first preference school has increased.

It is the third time in consecutive years that the percentage of children receiving their first choice place has gone up.

This year, 87.77 per cent of children have been allocated their first preference school, compared to 83.04 per cent last year. More than 96 per cent of children got one of their three preferences.

Today, parents of 3,033 eleven year-olds starting secondary school this September 2019 will be allocated a school place from Hull City Council.

Councillor Peter Clark, Portfolio Holder for Learning, Skills and Safeguarding Children, said: “I am delighted that 96 per cent of the 3,033 children have been allocated a place at one of their preferred schools.

“Our Admissions Team are constantly striving to improve the figures even further and they do an incredible job to allocate school places, despite the pressure on places across the city even more children than before have been offered their first preference.”

Those who applied online and requested an email confirmation will receive an email on 1 March confirming their allocation.

All parents and carers will be sent a letter on 1 March. Parents have until 15 March to inform us in writing if they do not wish to accept the place.

A school desk with books, an apple and stationery.