
Queen Victoria Square in Hull city centre.

Hull city centre is open for business

Hull City Council is pleased to announce that the majority of businesses, which were damaged in the unrest on Saturday 3 August, have reopened. 

Businesses on Jameson Street, including, Lush, Specsavers, … More

The latest comms update from Hull City Council

Statement from Councillor Jack Haines, the portfolio holder for Communities at Hull City Council:

“Despite the rumours of further events last night, I am delighted that we saw no repeat … More

4 men and 2 women representatives from HCC, HCAL and Splash Pad Enterprises stand in front of a new splash pad with water jets spraying behind them

New splash pad opens for the summer

Families and visitors to Hull are now able to enjoy a wide range of free waterplay facilities this summer, including the recently completed new splash pad at Bude Park which … More