A man in a grey suit pins a piece of paper to a grey notice board
The Notice of Election has been posted by Matt Jukes in Hull's Guildhall

Countdown begins to Hull & East Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayoral election

Matt Jukes, Hull City Council Chief Executive and Local Returning Officer for Hull has today posted the Notice of Election in the Guildhall for the Hull & East Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayoral election, following its publication by the Combined Area Returning Officer, Alan Menzies of East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

The pre-election period is now underway, running from the publication of Notice of Election to the close of polls at 10pm on Thursday 1 May.

Residents across Hull and the East Riding will have the opportunity to vote in this election.

Matt Jukes said: “With the first Combined Authority Mayoral election fast approaching, I’d like to encourage all residents who aren’t already, to register to vote. In particular, any residents who have moved house, changed their name or turned 18 in the last year will need to register so that they are able to vote.

“It is also important to remind electors that they now need to show acceptable photo ID in order to vote at a polling station or, of course, they can register for a postal vote. 

“These elections are the first opportunity for residents to have their say on who will represent them as Mayor of the Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority. Working alongside local leaders they will be an important voice for our region, helping to secure inward investment, create jobs and ensure our people have the right skills to take advantage of existing and new opportunities, making Hull and East Yorkshire a better place to live, work and do business.”

The deadline to register to vote is Friday 11 April and it takes just five minutes on-line at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote

Information on acceptable forms of ID, or what to do if you don’t have a form of ID, is available here (How to vote: Photo ID you’ll need – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Poll letters will be issued to all registered electors in the region in the coming weeks with important details on how to vote.

All electors can choose to vote by post for any reason, including if they cannot get to a polling station on Thursday 1 May. Applications can be made online: Apply for a postal vote – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The deadline for new postal vote applications or for changes to an existing postal or proxy votes is 5pm on Monday 14 April.

It is also possible to vote by proxy, where a voter can appoint someone they trust to vote on their behalf. Applications can also be made online: Apply for a proxy vote – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The deadline for new proxy vote applications is 5pm on Wednesday 23 April.

Paper application forms for both postal and proxy votes can also be requested from the Electoral Services office by email: electoral.services@hullcc.gov.uk or by phone, 01482 613386.

More information about this election is available here.

A vibrant garden with lots of yellow pots hanging on a brown fence with bright flowers spilling out the top. A large plant pot with pink flowers is front and centre.