An aerial shot of Bude Park Playing Fields.
Bude Park Playing Fields are part of the Playing Pitch Strategy

Sports clubs offered chance to win Hull City matchday hospitality tickets

Hull City Council has secured exciting prizes from partners Tigers Trust and Hull Culture and Leisure for local sports clubs which air their views on sporting facilities in the city.

Prizes such as hospitality tickets at Hull City and free swimming and skating sessions can be won by those completing the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) survey.

The Tigers Trust has provided 2x hospitality places at a Hull City home game in the Ambassador Suite, including a three-course meal, with pre-game entertainment and player appearances.

There is also a day’s Free Football Centre place for autumn half-term, whilst HCAL has provided family swim and family skate sessions.

The PPS is an essential strategy that will help the council to make decisions on future sports pitch improvements and unlock significant funding for clubs from the Football Foundation, but it needs the buy in of local clubs in order to progress it.

Without that support, the PPS will be unable to go ahead and currently, feedback levels is below the response rate needed from local clubs.

Not only will this improve playing pitches for local sports clubs, but it ties in with the council’s ethos of promoting an active, healthy and inclusive lifestyle, as well as supporting communities.

Organisations have already been contacted about this and those clubs who have already completed the survey have been included in the prize draw.

Cllr Rob Pritchard, portfolio holder for culture and leisure at the council, said: “Sport plays a vital role in the lives of many in Hull and that is evident year-round with the amount of people playing sport on weekends especially.

“The council is striving to do all it can to ensure the city has adequate sporting facilities and the Playing Pitch Strategy will help us to do that.

“However, we need the help of those involved in our sports clubs, so we’re urging them to complete the survey to allow the council to secure significant funding to put back into the community.”

The survey has been emailed to all known sports clubs and they are urged to complete and return to

The same email address can also be used to request a link to the survey.

An artist's impression of Albion Square's CDC.