Additional safety enhancements will be made to traffic lights on Spring Bank West next week.
The traffic signals at the junction with Chanterlands Avenue were given an upgrade in November last year, after which a Stage 3 Safety Audit was carried out, in accordance with standard procedures for highways improvement schemes.
The safety audit identified no mandatory changes but made two advisory recommendations.
To further enhance the safety of the junction, there will now be dedicated signals for traffic travelling westbound on Spring Bank West and separate signals for vehicles turning right on to Chanterlands Avenue.
Traffic going straight ahead will go when the green ahead arrow shows.
Traffic turning right will go only when the green right-turn arrow is showing, at which point vehicles travelling eastbound on Spring Bank West will be stopped.

The changes will be implemented between Monday 6 March and Wednesday 8 March, during which time the junction will operate under three-way temporary signals.
All line markings will also be refreshed and an advanced stop line for cyclists will be added on Chanterlands Avenue.
A spokesman for Hull City Council, said: “To enhance safety at this junction, we have taken on board the advisory recommendations made in the safety audit and we are putting them into place this week.
“The first advisory recommendation, to re-align the low-level cycle signals, has already been completed.
“The changes to the traffic lights will take two or three days to implement, after which all road users and pedestrians who use this junction will benefit from improved safety.”