Young people in Hull are being asked to help influence multi-million pound developments that will shape the city’s future.
A working group has been set up to discuss projects such as the £120m Albion Square development, investment in transport infrastructure and modern housing proposals.
Councillor Daren Hale, portfolio holder for economic investment and regeneration, said: “We are committed to investing in the city and reshaping its future, but it would be remiss of us to do so without consulting the people who will benefit from this the most.
“These young people are the ones that will be taking the city forward, so it’s important that they inherit a city that addresses their needs and aspirations. We want their ideas and creativity to help shape what we want to achieve, which is why working groups like this one are so important.”

The young people gave their views on various projects that are taking place across the city.
Council officers met with the working group for the first time this week and discussed a wide-range of projects and ideas that will benefit the city.
Some of the suggestions put forward included improvements to transport and transport links that would make the city centre more accessible for young people, as well as the introduction of more free charging points and free Wifi zones.
The working group also discussed the types of retail outlets they would like to see in the city centre, as well as the introduction of more outdoor events, such as screenings of live sport and movies.
The group were shown entries in a recent international flood risk design competition, to show the types of housing developments that could be built in the future.
Lacey Brown, young person’s regeneration champion at Hull City Council, said: “I felt really involved when asked about my opinions on the city centre. I think it is important for young people’s opinions and ideas to be heard as we are the ones that are going to see all these changes happen.”
The working group will continue to meet with council officers to help influence major projects and developments within Hull.