A roadworks sign

Roadworks update – 29 July

Below is a breakdown of roadworks taking place across Hull over the next few weeks. All works are subject to change. For the latest updates:

LocationStart dateDue dateSummary of worksUtility/HCC name
A63 improvement scheme - St James Street to Market Place01 May 202001 May 2025Lane closures and local diversions until completion of scheme. LGV diversion signed via ERYC to limit number of LGVs in city centre.National Highways
A63 improvement scheme - Commercial Road26 October 202130 April 2024Enable H&S and safe systems of works for operatives working on the scheme.National Highways
Beverley Road - Brunswick Arcade04 October 202101 April 2023Brunswick Arcade demolition. Lane closuresHCC - MP&I
Beverley Road25 July 202205 August 2022Gas main connection. Multi-way signals. Works to take place between 9.30am and 3.30pm weekdays only. Atll other times the juction will run as normal using temporary signals.Northern Gas Networks
Beverley Road01 August 202219 August 2022LEP junction improvement scheme. Junction of Clough Road. Lane closure. outbound. Four-way signals from 7.30pm to 11pm Monday to Friday for second and third weeks.HCC
Chamberlain Road02 August 202204 August 2022Replacment of toucan crossing traffic signals at Hornsea cycle track. Two-way temporary signals.StreetScene - Traffic Signals
Hall Road01 September 202201 September 2022Major, non-excavation works. Road Closure. Activities to take place 10am to 3.30pm. Highway to be clear at all other times.T-mobile
Hawthorn Avenue16 August 202219 August 2022Level crossing and track survey. Lane closure with two-way signals from 11pm - 5.30am.Network Rail
Hessle Road (12-month Scheme)23 August 202104 September 2022Footway reconstruction.HCC - MP&I
High Street16 May 202230 July 2022Laying ducting, kerbs/ edgings, installation of cobbled paving under Myton Bridge. Multi-way signals.National Highways
High Street30 July 202230 July 2022Hull Festival of Archaeology. Closure of High Street. Local diversion in place in conjuction with Pride Event.HCC
Holderness Road (Victor St to Southcoates) (PHASES 1-8)04 January 202211 September 2022Full footway reconstruction scheme.MP&I - Highways Strategy & Design
Lowgate04 August 202205 August 2022Closure to accommodate crane lift. Local diversion in place.HCC
Naylor's Row25 July 202219 August 2022Gas mains replacement. Cycle lane closure - traffic flow not affected.Northern Gas Netowrk
Perth Street West25 July 202205 August 2022Renew cable. Two-way signals to be manned during working hours (8am - 6pm).NPG
Priory Way01 April 202231 March 2023Major improvement scheme.HCC - MP&I
Robson Way22 September 202228 September 2022Install 5G cabinet. Road Closure. Approximately 40m from the junction with Wawne Road. Local diversion in place.T-mobile
Saltshouse Road25 July 202226 August 2022Replace gas main. Temporary two-way signals outside Coniston Lodge lights to be manually controlled during works (7.30am to 6pm Mon to Fri; 8am to 3pm Sat/Sun).East Riding DSP Replacement
Stoneferry Rd Scheme - Woodhall Street to Lorraine Street01 April 202101 September 2022Major Improvement Scheme commissioned by HCC - Infrastructure improvements and road widening. Lane closures throughout the scheme. Signals works at Woodhall Street junction are now completed.HCC - MP&I / Colas
Stoneferry Rd Scheme - Chamberlain Road to Bandstand Roundabout23 April 202101 September 2022Major improvement scheme commissioned by HCC - Infrastructure improvements and road widening. Lane closures throughout the scheme. Signals works at Woodhall Street junction are now completed.HCC - MP&I / Colas
Stoneferry Rd Scheme - Sutton Road03 May 202212 August 2022Reconstruction of the new junction under temporary traffic lights to enable removal of the existing permanent traffic signals. Multi-way signals to run in phases to help minimise disruption. Leads Road / Sutton Road junction.HCC - MP&I / Colas
Stoneferry Rd Scheme - Leads Road / Sutton Road junction28 July 202203 August 2022Carriageway resurfacing. Overnight closure of northern section of junction. Works to take place Mon-Fri between 7pm - 6am. Sutton Road to remain open under two-way signals.HCC - MP&I / Colas
Stoneferry Rd Scheme - Leads Road / Sutton Road junction03 August 202209 August 2022Carriageway resurfacing. Overnight road closures on southern section of junction. Works to take place Mon-Fri between 7pm - 6am. Sutton Road to remain open under two-way signals.HCC - MP&I / Colas
Stoneferry Rd Scheme - Leads Road / Sutton Road junction09 August 202210 August 2022Carriageway resurfacing. Overnight closure (7pm-6am) of whole junction. Sutton Road to remain open under two-way signals.HCC - MP&I / Colas
Stoneferry Rd Scheme - Leads Road / Sutton Road junction10 August 202211 August 2022Carriageway resurfacing. Overnight closure (7pm - 6am) of northern section of junction. Sutton Road to remain open under two-way signals.HCC - MP&I / Colas
Stoneferry Rd Scheme - Leads Road / Sutton Road junction11 August 202213 August 2022Carriageway resurfacing. Overnight closure of southern section of junction. Works to take place weeknights between 7pm - 6am. Sutton Road to remain open under two-way signals.HCC - MP&I / Colas
Stoneferry Rd Scheme - Leads Road13 August 202214 August 2022Carriageway resurfacing. Full weekend closure of Leads Road between Bandstand Roundabout & Rotterdam Road. Closure will start at 7am Saturday and will be removed by midnight on Sunday.HCC - MP&I / Colas
Sutton Road22 August 202225 August 2022Replacement of toucan crossing traffic signals. Temporary two-way signals between Leads Road junction and Holwell Roundabout.StreetScene - Traffic Signals
Wilberforce Drive30 July 202230 July 2022Pride Event. Full closure of Wilberforce Drive, Guildhall Road & Queens Dock Avenue. Short-duration closures of Alfred Gelder Street, Lowgate, Bond Street and George Street during parade. Local diversion in place.Hull Pride
Worship Street11 July 202205 July 2023Conversion of former Central Fire Station. No access to/from Freetown Way. Local diversion in place.esteem
Beverley Road and Clough Road junction