Hull City Council Cabinet has agreed to consult residents on the future of the three multi-storey blocks of flats Millport Drive, Torpoint Drive and Woolwich Drive in the council’s Pickering Ward and homes at Henson Villas, Pearson Park.
Residents will be consulted on a number of options including to demolish the homes and replace with new; extensive refurbishment, or to leave the properties are they are. Information is currently being delivered to residents informing them of the arrangements for the consultation and encouraging them to participate.
Cllr John Black, Portfolio Holder for Housing Homelessness said, “I hope as many residents as possible will get involved with the consultation because we need to understand their concerns and get their views on how they see the area developing in the future.”
The drop-in consultations for the Boothferry multi-storey flats will be held on Wednesday 6 October 10am to 4pm and on Saturday 16 October 11am to 2pm, and will be held at St Nicholas Church Hall on Pickering Road.
The Henson Villas drop-in sessions will be held on Tuesday 12 October, from 10am to 7pm at the Bowling Pavilion in Pearson Park.
In addition to the drop-in sessions, a feedback form is also being delivered to residents for their views, and throughout the consultation housing officers will be available to answer any questions residents may have.
The consultation closes on Friday 5 November. Its findings will be reported to the December Cabinet meeting for a decision to be made on what should happen next. Once this is agreed, and if it involves rebuilding on the site, residents will be visited individually to discuss their options and further consultation will be undertaken on the proposals for the new homes.