‘Any Of Us’ is the latest in a series of film collaborations between over 80 Local Authorities to show any of us can be foster carers, if we have the capacity to care.

The film ‘Any Of Us’ looks at three very different people who all show some of the attributes needed to be a foster carer in incidents from their daily lives – Ayesha going to the aid of a pedestrian after a minor road accident, Neil calming down an aggressive situation in a snooker club, and Marsha identifying a young person showing signs of distress and intervening with them at school. Different individuals in very different scenarios, but each in their own way showing the caring instinct that is fundamental to being a foster carer.
The film develops so that it becomes clear that one of these three everyday people will become the foster carer to Chloe. But which one of the three will be the one to make the difference? The main character’s stories are all interwoven with Chloe’s, as we see her journey into fostering.
As of today, there are 755 looked after children in the city, who Hull City Council are responsible for.
But there are just 169 foster carers – that is a lot of children and not a lot of families available to foster them.
Councillor Linda Tock, portfolio holder for Children’s Services said: “‘Any Of Us’ is a film that highlights the fact that anyone who cares has the potential to become a foster carer.
“We know so many in Hull do care and we need those people to step forward and become foster carers.
“Please consider whether you can offer a home to our most vulnerable children and young people. Fostering gives children a chance to thrive and become the best person they can be.”
Fostering directly with your council means that you can support your local community by working a with a fostering service that is dedicated to supporting local children and young people who need a nurturing, safe fostering home.
If you would like to learn more about fostering a child or young person in Hull, please visit www.HullFostering.co.uk, email fostering@hullcc.gov.uk, send us a message on social media @HullFostering or call our friendly team on 01482 612800.
#HullFostering #HullCityCouncil #FosterCare #FosterChildren