Hull City Council has taken a major step forward on its redevelopment of the former BHS building, announcing that it is seeking a lead developer partner to help to deliver the next stage of its Albion Square project.
The council’s cabinet today gave permission to commence procurement activity for development of the former BHS building and the remainder of the site.
Crucially, this approach from the council will improve scope for securing external funding, brings in external expertise for the project and shares risks between the council and the partner.
The council is aiming to regenerate a derelict and underused brownfield site into a high-quality mixed-use development which will increase footfall, add to the city centre living offer and boost Hull’s city centre economy.
Cllr Paul Drake-Davis, portfolio holder for regeneration and housing at the council, said: “Albion Square is a major regeneration project that will bring significant benefits to our city centre.
“Securing a lead developer partner is key to delivering Albion Square as successful tenders can advise on the latest market demands and help leverage external funding to help make sure the city has a worthy finished product delivered on sound financial footings.”
The redevelopment of the former BHS building will complement the predominantly NHS-funded Community Diagnostic Centre, which is due to open this spring.
The centre will accommodate around 300 patients daily for essential services including CTs, X-rays, MRI and phlebotomy all under one roof, as well as creating up to 100 new jobs.
Cllr Drake-Davis added: “Since the Albion Square development’s initial inception, there have been significant shifts and changes to the economy, both locally and nationally, as well as the way people use buildings and perceive urban centres.
“The imminent arrival of the Community Diagnostic Centre on the north-eastern corner of the site has shifted the scope again, but the council welcomes the development and the benefits it will bring to the city centre in terms of footfall to support local businesses.”
VINCI Construction UK Limited will continue to manage the site until a lead developer partner is secured.
Traffic management will be in place on the corner of Albion Square and Bond Street from Monday 3 March for cable trenching works to connect to the Community Diagnostic Centre.