A special edition of Love Hull will begin to arrive at 116,000 homes across the city this weekend.
The leaflet has been written by Hull City Council with advice on where residents can get a range of support during the Covid-19 outbreak.
At the end of March, the council launched the Hull Helpline, which can be reached by calling 01482 300307. It has already reached out to 12,000 residents in need.
Councillor Stephen Brady, Leader of Hull City Council, said: “This brief edition of Love Hull is your guide to the support that’s available to you and your community at this very difficult time.

A special edition of Love Hull magazine will be delivered to residents this weekend.
“In these unprecedented times, I must say thank you to all of our residents, voluntary organisations, businesses and the many thousands of key workers in our local NHS, council and other public services, whose lives and work have changed beyond recognition as we battle the coronavirus together.
“Clearly, the situation is changing constantly and with this in mind, I urge you to keep up-to-date with local and national developments through key websites and media.
Residents should visit nhs.uk for health and safety advice and hullccnews.co.uk or Hull City Council on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news on council services.