Aspiring Masterchefs are encouraged to veg out at a Hull cooking competition.
The 5 Veg Challenge has been designed to promote the range of dishes that can be created using vegetables.
It will take place at Trinity Market in Hull’s Old Town on Wednesday 29 May.
Chef of any age – professional or amateur – can cook up a dish using five different vegetables, alongside other ingredients, and drop it off at the market on the day of the competition.
The winner will take home the 5 Veg Challenge trophy.
Veg Cities Hull coordinator John Pickles said: “Anyone who fancies themselves as a chef is invited to cook up a dish and bring it along to compete for the trophy.
“This is a great opportunity for amateurs to show off their cooking skills or professionals to display their talents. We also want to show the wider public what wonderful dishes can be created using vegetables.”

Chak and Sue greengrocers in Trinity Market.
Finished dishes can be dropped off at the market’s mezzanine floor from 7am to 2.30pm or collected from entrants’ homes or places of work by prior arrangement.
Dishes will be marked on presentation, taste and creativity. A winner will be announced by the panel of three judges (Roxanna from Flour and Feast, David from Tickton Grange and Sue from the Chak and Sue greengrocers) at about 3.30pm.
The event has been organised by the Hull Food Partnership as part of its Veg Cities Hull campaign – a 12-month programme designed to promote the growing, cooking and eating of vegetables in Hull through promotions, competitions and community events.
Find out more or register guarantee your place here.