The vision for Whitefriargate continues to take shape with new concept designs, providing visual guidance on how shop frontages could be transformed, to go before councillors.
The concept designs are part of a supplementary planning guidance document to help drive the regeneration of the historic Hull thoroughfare.
They show ideas for how various existing shop units and frontages could be adapted to support the multi-million pound transformation of Whitefriargate.

Concept sketches have been commissioned to show how the restoration of frontages to properties on Whitefriargate could be delivered to reflect some of the original design features.
The supplementary guidance document will go before the planning committee today (Tuesday 21 January). If approved, permission will then be sought from Cabinet on Monday 27 January to commence a six-week consultation period for the new shop frontage guidance document.
The street sits in the Old Town conservation area and is home to a high proportion of listed buildings. Whilst the character and appearance of upper floors remain largely unchanged, many ground floor shop fronts have been inconsistently or unsympathetically changed over the years.
The concept designs show how these ground floor units could be improved to make them consistent with the overall appearance of the street.