People are being urged to have their say on Hull’s safer cycling routes.
Hull City Council has launched an interactive platform for people to have their say on the new cycle lanes.
Commonplace is an online community engagement platform that allows residents to have their say on the schemes which matter to them.
Cycle schemes in Freetown Way, Spring Bank and Ferensway are available for comments, and future schemes including those in Holderness Road are also available for viewing and commenting.

This is what the city’s cycling route will look like once the work is complete.
Councillor Daren Hale, portfolio holder for regeneration and economic investment, said: “We are stepping up our consultation process so that we can continue to engage with the groups that these changes will effect, including residents, cyclists and motorists.
“We understand it’s an ambitious strategy, but in order to secure the funding and start the work we had to deliver the first stage of the project within a certain time frame. What we really want to emphasise is that this is a live consultation process done under experimental traffic orders, so the public have time to make any comments on Commonplace before they become a part our permanent infrastructure.”
The next stage of the work will include implementing cycle lanes in Holderness Road and Hessle Road.