Children in a school playground in Hull

‘I know I speak on behalf of the city, when I express huge gratitude to school staff, pupils and parents’

Hull schools break for summer this week, and Councillor Shane McMurray, Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, is taking the opportunity to thank schools, pupils and parents for their hard work over the last year.

Councillor Shane McMurray said: “All of our education staff have worked tirelessly to provide education to children in Hull in what has been a very difficult 16 months.

“We’ve seen schools adapt to teaching on-line, providing home learning for isolating pupils, all whilst keeping schools open for key worker and vulnerable pupils.

“New measures in schools were introduced to help keep everyone safe, and staff and pupils have had to adjust to the different ways schools have operated.

“Teachers have hand delivered learning packs, food parcels and kept schools open during holiday periods, volunteering to work, so that children can still get free school meals. Teachers have made phone calls to pupils, held virtual meet ups to check on children’s wellbeing.

“Pupils have done a fantastic job adapting to different ways of learning and parents have stepped up to home-school. Children should be proud of what they have achieved this year and continued to learn in ways we never thought we would. Bubbles, zoom, staggered start and finish times, google meets… things we’d not experienced before the pandemic.

“I know I speak on behalf of the city, when I express huge gratitude to school staff, pupils and parents in adapting to the changes that have needed to happen.

“I now wish everyone a lovely, safe, summer break.”


Two children play in the sand at a beach-themed activity day in a Hull Park.