Picture of a man in a black jacket beinf interviewed in a park by a camera crew
Mac has now retired following over 50 years service

Long-serving park keeper retires after half a century of service

Last week Hull City Council and Hull Culture and Leisure said goodbye to one of its longest serving members of staff.

Stuart MacDonald, or ‘Mac’, as he has been fondly known by colleagues, retired at the age of 78 after incredible 54 years’ service, having joined the council in July 1971.

Stuart’s passion for the city’s parks saw him produce a huge collection of photos and postcards through the years, which he shared with visitors together with his extensive knowledge of the history of the parks.

His dedication to the role was particularly evident at Christmas, working many Christmas Days at East Park, running Santa’s grotto and selling wreaths for the Friends of East Park group.

Councillor Rob Pritchard, portfolio holder for culture and leisure, said: “I would like to thank Stuart for his decades of commitment to the council and parks.

“He has been instrumental in the upkeep and improvement of our much-loved green spaces across the city.

“We wish him all the best now as he puts his feet up, relaxes and enjoys more leisurely visits to the park as he starts his next chapter.”