Donations from Hull schools which are being shipped to Freetown

Twin city benefits from Hull donations

Young people in the twin city of Freetown are to be boosted by school equipment that has been sent from Hull to Sierra Leone.

A 40-foot shipping container has gone to West Africa, filled with chairs and other furniture, as well as educational equipment.

Bicycles have also been donated to the large haul, which will be used by schools in Freetown which are in need of basic furniture and other supplies.

A number of schools in Hull have donated stackable chairs and other items which need a new home.

The Freetown Society – which has worked for over 40 years to develop closer links between the cities – has co-ordinated the contributions, and the container is expected to reach its destination early next month.

Hull formed a civic partnership with Freetown – the capital city of Sierra Leone – in 1979, with a common bond being links to William Wilberforce.

To find out more, visit Wilberforce House Museum – Hull Museums and Galleries.