Hull City Council wants to hear your views on local waste services.
A survey has been launched to understand what you think about your waste collection service, the cleanliness of your local area, and where you think we should be focussing our efforts in future.
Councillor Alan Clark, portfolio holder for waste services, said:
We launched this survey as we are considering a number ways in which we can improve our services in the future. This includes plans around litter enforcement, fly-tipping and the development of an education programme.
Your feedback will help us influence and develop the city waste strategy for the next few years.
The survey asks residents about their satisfaction with the services the Council provides and the relative importance of future plans which include:
Enforcement: Introducing permanent litter enforcement, taking action against people with untidy properties, naming and shaming those who commit environmental crime, encouraging the public to report and identify crime / culprits
Efficiency: Reviewing services like waste collection and street cleaning to make them more effective, working in partnership e.g. with community payback so that parolees are giving something back, continuing to support Bring Out your Rubbish Days across the city
Prioritising: Maintaining additional street cleaning staff in the city centre, increased street cleaning in the most populated areas of the city, clear all fly tipping the next working day, look at waste management in areas with lots of private rented housing
Education: Develop a programme of education to make sure people know their responsibilities, recruit new staff to engage with local communities and resolve waste issues
This survey will only take fifteen minutes to complete and your responses will help us to improve the service –
This survey closes on Sunday 15 April.
By completing this survey you will have the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw where three lucky people will each win one of the following prizes:
First Prize:
Playstation 4 Slim 500GB, OR
Samsung 32GB Tablet, OR
Samsung 32 Inch HD Ready Smart TV, OR
£250 High Street shopping vouchers
Second Prize:
20MP Canon Digital Camera Bundle, OR
£100 High Street shopping vouchers
Third Prize:
£50 High Street shopping vouchers