Celebrating Our Carers Andree and Tony

Please let us introduce the wonderful Andree and Tony, who started out as foster carers in 2008 caring for babies and children and offered supported lodgings for a young person who is now working in finance, in London.

Just over ten years ago, whilst Andree and Tony were caring for a number of babies, Andree researched what more we could do as a Local Authority, so researched projects that were working well across the country and wrote a proposal to Hull City Council for a project that offered a supportive assessment of parents in a foster carers home.

Andree presented this to higher management and the P.A.S.T team was created in 2013.

Thanks to Andree’s proposal a parent and their child we’re given the opportunity to live with them in their home. This was an opportunity for the child and the parent to bond, be shown by Andree how to safely care and look after their child and for Andree to provide emotional and practical support to the new parent.

These placements offered the parent a chance to demonstrate their capabilities in caring for their child before a legal decision was made whether the parent and child could continue to live together after the P.A.S.T placement ended.

Hull Fostering PAST Placement

Andree and Tony’s fostering social worker Nas said; “Andree and Tony worked really hard to support parents without judgement and make their time in their home welcoming and comfortable.

“Andree and Tony have been flexible and accommodating and have taken children in emergencies, provided respite and are currently offering a home to a baby.

“Andree and Tony are excellent carers who are passionate about caring for children and achieving the best outcomes possible. They provide a warm, nurturing home and their wider family are involved and fully supportive.

“The PAST team disbanded in 2022 and since this time Andree and Tony have continued to offer a valuable, high quality service to children. They have been flexible and accommodating and have taken children in emergencies and provided respite.

“The highlight of Andree’s fostering career was probably when she was invited to Lunch with the queen!!!”

Thank you Andree and Tony for your long service to Hull Fostering and the many children and new parents you continue to support as foster carers. You are both incredible.

For more information on Hull Fostering, please visit www.HullFostering.co.uk

A group of people celebrating the Parks Family Hub launch, gathered around the newly unveiled sign.