The sun shining over Hull City Hall and onto Queen Victoria Square.
Heritage Open Days 2022 takes place 9-18 Sep 2022 across the city.

Hull City Council supports businesses looking to go green at ‘Road to Net Zero’ event

Hull City Council will be assisting businesses in Hull to reduce their costs, energy consumption and carbon footprint at an event at Hull City Hall on Monday 18 October.

Hull and East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s (HEY LEP) Flagship COP26 event – HEY on the Road to Net Zero – is taking place on Monday at Hull City Hall’s Mortimer Suite.


This event is part of the Government-backed Zero Carbon Tour – which sees a 100% electric battle bus visit locations across the country in the run-up to the COP 26 Climate Change Summit being held in Glasgow in November. The bus will be located in Queen Victoria Square in Hull to promote the event and raise awareness with the general public.

At the event at Hull City Hall, Hull City Council will be giving advice and support to businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint and become more energy efficient.

The Hull Business Energy Efficiency Scheme (HBEES) is a £3m project that’s aims to provide Hull based SMEs with support to assist them to become more energy efficient by adopting new technology, utilising internal and external expertise and access to grant funding.

Grants can fund up to 40% of energy efficiency improvement projects and are available between £1,ooo and £10,000.

HBEES is funded by the 2014 – 2020 European Regional Development Fund Programme (ERDF) to boost renewable energy use in the area and contribute to the reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GHG).

You can find out more about the event and book tickets here.

Roadworks sign
Roadworks sign