Residents are being advised how to prevent the build-up of condensation in their homes to avoid damp.
Hull City Council and Hull & East Riding Citizens Advice are warning residents that damp can lead to mould build-up, which can seriously affect people’s health.
As residents shut out the draughts to keep warm during winter, the organisations are warning a lack of ventilation can create damp which can adversely affect the health of people with respiratory and other health conditions.
Condensation occurs when indoor air cannot hold any more moisture, leading to droplets of moisture forming on cold areas such as walls, mirrors and windowsills, which can cause damp.
Dave Richmond, Hull City Council’s city manager for housing, said: “Whatever your housing tenure, black spore mould is a common problem during the colder months. By making a few simple lifestyle change such as increasing ventilation in our homes and using our heating more, we can prevent condensation.”

Dave Richmond, Hull City Council’s city manager for housing.
Residents are advised to:
- Use lids on saucepans and dry washing outside if possible
- Open bedroom windows for a few minutes every morning
- Make sure the home is well insulated
- Heat the home a little more if possible
- Open windows and close kitchen or bathroom doors if cooking, showering or bathing
Residents are also advised to treat black mould spots in the home, which means the problem should not reappear. Get rid of mould by wiping down walls and window frames with a fungicidal wash which carries a Health and Safety Executive approved number. Once the mould has gone, redecorate using a good quality fungicidal paint.
Residents who cannot afford to heat homes more can apply for financial help, including grants to offset the cost or switching to a cheaper power supplier.
Hull Citizens Advice energy advisor Rob Stannard said: “We have a dedicated energy team who can advise you about using your heating system effectively and can also assist you to switch your supplier to get the best energy deal. This might make your energy more affordable. We can also help to sort out any other energy problems you may have.”
To arrange an energy appointment, call 01482 328990.
Get more information about dealing with mould and health implications at Hull City Council, Hull & East Riding Citizens Advice and NHS websites.
For advice on fuel suppliers and energy bills, email Hull & East Riding Citizens Advice at or call 03444 111 444.